Ted Winkworth, Licensed Therapist & Certified Coach | Cottonwood Professional Coaching
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Ted Winkworth CMHc, PCC

Certified Coach & Licensed Therapist

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CMHC Credential
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Top 3 Values

I show up fully to each session. I share my perspective. I admit when I'm unsure.

It's my job to truly hear what you are saying and what you are not. I practice this skill deeply.

I see my clients as their best selves even when they are having a hard time being their best. In my opinion this is where growth starts.

Hi, I'm Ted Winkworth. I'm a certified coach and licensed therapist. Because of my background, most people describe work with me as being more emotional and sometimes scarier than work with people who are strictly trained as coaches. I welcome that description. I know that many of our choices are emotionally driven, even when we think we're being logical. And I believe that by leaning into the emotions we often avoid, we can break out of old patterns and habits that keep us stuck. 


It's important to note that coaching is not about diagnosing or fixing anything. Instead, I want my clients imagining a life where they are the main character in their own story. Dave Chappelle said we're all living inside the strongest dream in the room. If that's true, a lot of us are living inside someone else's dream - a story with nothing in it for us -  at work, in relationships, and even in our free time. 


This kind of work is about gaining the humility to understand when you are living in someone else's dream and to have the courage to start creating your own. When you do, it leads to a feeling of deep resonance - that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you just know you're right where you're supposed to be. And that resonance builds the motivation that you'll need to go out and make that vision real.


Over the last decade I've worked with senior business leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, social connectors, and others from all walks of life who have one thing in common: They know they have something to offer their community or their world that they just haven't quite brought into the light yet. Through the coaching process we help define that offering, strategize, and execute. In short, we make the dream real.


I should note here that some people are really struggling. They can't imagine a "good" life. They're so stuck in the pain of anxiety or depression or the leftovers from past trauma that things feel deeply stuck. If this sounds like you, there is a path to a better life for you too but the methods look a little different.  You can learn more about my purely therapy work at SLCTherapist.com.


If you're interested in learning more about what we offer or getting to know me a bit better, click the orange button to book a free 30 minute phone intro. I'd love to meet you.


Mountain Range

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I have been trying so hard to find someone like Ted, he is one of those rare individuals that offer deep empathetic perspectives and strong life experiences all grounded by a beautifully rational perspective on the world.

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Ted is extremely empathetic, present, and genuinely cares about his clients to a deep degree. Coaching has helped me believe in myself more, figure out what I truly value in life, and has given me the tools to design my life in alignment with those values.

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I have Ted to thank for my personal growth this last year. His compassion, undivided attention, and pure curiosity and frankness are just what I've needed.

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Ted helped me identify my values, what drives me and prioritize my goals, and then come up with action items to put a plan in place towards achieving the things that matter most

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Ted's empathy, professionalism, and knowledge of life coaching and therapy have been life changing for me. I have no doubt that he can and will help you identify what you need in order to feel more fulfilled.


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